Cat is Already Very Lonely

Cat is Already Very Lonely

1 always sleeping
Although sleeping is also the main thing cats do in daily life, as long as you are around, the cat will be active. If you are not at home, the cat will feel lonely and bored and will pass the time by sleeping. The cat will think in his heart, I hope I can be there as soon as I wake up. Saw the master coming back.
2 sleep in your bed
When a cat feels lonely, he will go to sleep on his owner's bed, because the bed will have the smell of his owner. This smell will make the cat feel at ease. You may see the cat sleeping on your bed all day long on the surveillance. It looks listless, that's why it feels lonely.
3 Staring out the window in trance
If your cat feels lonely, he will often look at the outside world by the window, because there will be many things outside that the cat has never seen, such as flowers, plants, trees, cars, people, birds, or other cats passing by. Cats can pass the time.
4 Loves to bite things randomly
When a cat feels lonely, it will chew on things. Because they are bored and feel stressed because they have nothing to play with, cats will vent their emotions by biting toys. It is recommended that owners prepare more chewable toys or moving toys for cats to relieve their cats' boredom.
5 Crazy parkour at home
Some kittens will suddenly run back and forth in the room when they are at home because they feel lonely. They use this method to relieve their anxiety. If you find this situation, be sure to spend more time with the kitten.
6 Meowing non-stop
If a cat lacks companionship, it is likely to meow all the time to seek attention from its owner. For example, when you go out to work, your cat will follow you to the door and meow eagerly at you. Occasionally, if you call it from the surveillance camera, it will meow when it can't find you because it misses you.
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