Man and cat

Man and cat

The encounter between man and cat is the most beautiful encounter in the world. Maybe it started by chance, maybe it was destined long ago. The story of man and cat spreads in every loving corner, like the fragrance of the spring sun, the warmth of the summer sun, the quiet beauty of the autumn sun, and the soft warmth of the winter sun. I often wonder, what would the world be like without cats?
Cats are such creatures, there is indeed a sense of mystery that is elusive. It would suddenly disappear, and at night, it would suddenly pop out of a nearby dark place. I don’t know whether the cat that jumped out was Soma the kitten, the cat mother Ayan, the neighborhood cat, or a wild cat. Therefore, even if Soma got into my bed, curled up in a ball and fell asleep, I would always feel a little uneasy. The curled up part of Soma's tail is very special, and I can't help but use my fingers to confirm its subtle arc.

Taking photos of cats is even more difficult.

Still life or landscape will always be waiting in front of the camera, but when and where the cat will appear, I am afraid only God knows. Also, cats don’t come as quickly as dogs do.

Yes, cats are so pretentious. When you call them, they deliberately refuse to show up; and when you almost forget their existence, they appear out of nowhere.

Cats will also start posing in front of your camera when they have a whim. My cat mother Ayan is like this. He is the most docile cat in the family. He occasionally gets a little angry and plays tricks on other cats. He always seems to be in a good mood. It can quickly become familiar with strangers, making people wonder if it has the ability to talk and laugh. Friends and neighbors who came to the home raved about it.
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